270 Addresses Are Responsible for 55% of All Cryptocurrency Money Laundering

Criminals who keep their funds in cryptocurrency tend to launder funds through a small cluster of online services, blockchain investigations firm Chainalysis said in a report last week. From a report: This includes services like high-risk (low-reputation) crypto-exchange portals, online gambling platforms, cryptocurrency mixing services, and financial services that support cryptocurrency operations headquartered in high-risk jurisdictions. Criminal activity studied in this…

Facebook Moderators Say Company Is Asking Them To ‘Risk Our Lives’

In an open letter published Wednesday, a group of Facebook moderators say the company is putting them and their families at risk by asking them to go back to work in the midst of the pandemic. Engadget reports: The content reviewers say that while workers with a doctor’s note can be excused from going to the office, those with high risk…

Netflix Indicted By Texas Grand Jury Over ‘Lewd’ Depiction of Children In ‘Cuties’

A Texas grand jury indicted Netflix for the “lewd” representation of children in the controversial French film “Cuties.” The Hill reports: The Sept. 23 indictment shows the Tyler County Grand Jury charged the popular streaming site for “promotion of lewd visual material depicting child” for its drama about a young girl who is torn between her conservative Muslim family’s values and…

Surveillance Software Scanning File-Sharing Networks Led To 12,000 Arrests

Mr. Cooper was a retired high school history teacher using what NBC News calls those peer-to-peer networks where “the lack of corporate oversight creates the illusion of safety for people sharing illegal images.” Police were led to Cooper’s door by a forensic tool called Child Protection System, which scans file-sharing networks and chatrooms to find computers that are downloading photos and…

Disney Forces Explicit Club Penguin Clones Offline

“Disney has ordered unauthorized copies of its Club Penguin game to close, after the BBC found children were being exposed to explicit messages,” the British publication reports. The social network was shut down by Disney in 2017, causing unofficial clones of the website to launch on private servers using stolen or copied source code. The BBC reports: Visits to fan-run Club…