Chandrayaan-2 is on its way to the moon

Following a series of successful maneuvers, India’s Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft has shifted trajectories and is now on its way to the moon. Source:…

Chemist Lee Cronin is building an alien to work out why life exists

Lee Cronin is making a vast chemical robot – and an alien – to find out why life exists and if we can detect it on other worlds Source:…

Can snowball planets support life?

Snowball planets are rocky worlds with frozen oceans. The prevailing wisdom has been that they’re lifeless. But a new study suggests some might have land areas near their equators warm and wet enough to support life. Source:…

Scientists Develop ‘Artificial Tongue’ To Detect Fake Whiskies

Scientists have developed an “artificial tongue” that can differentiate a young whisky from an 18-year-old single malt. “The team, based in Scotland, say their device can be used to tell apart a host of single malts — a move they say might help in the fight against counterfeit products,” reports The Guardian. From the report: Writing in the journal Nanoscale, the…

Ten million stars

When you see it with your naked eye, Omega Centauri looks like a fuzzy, faint star. But this blue orb is, in fact, a collection of stars – 10 million of them. Source:…

Study shows that the Moon is older than previously believed

A new study spearheaded by Earth scientists at the University of Cologne’s Institute of Geology and Mineralogy has constrained the age of the Moon to approximately 50 million years after the formation of the solar system. After the formation of the solar system, 4.56 billion years ago, the Moon formed approximately 4.51 billion years ago. The new study has thus determined…

Chandrayaan-2 successfully completes 3rd orbit-raising maneuver

India’s 2nd moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, successfully carried out its 3rd orbit-raising maneuver on Monday. It will soon enter trans-lunar orbit, with the goal of landing on the moon on September 7. Source:…

How fireflies glow and what signals they’re sending

Are the gentle blinks of fireflies flashing a favorite part of your summer evenings? An entomologist explains some lightning bug basics. Source:…