Supreme Court To Consider Limiting America’s ‘Anti-Hacking’ Law

America’s Supreme Court “is finally considering whether to rein in the nation’s sweeping anti-hacking law, which cybersecurity pros say is decades out of date and ill-suited to the modern Internet,” according to the Washington Post’s cybersecurity writer:
The justices agreed to hear a case this fall that argues law enforcement and prosecutors have routinely applied the law too broadly and used it…

To Protect Secrets, US Won’t Charge Assange Over Exposing CIA Tools, Reports Politico

Some interesting news from Politico. America’s Justice Department will still prosecute Julian Assange for allegedly assisting Chelsea Manning, and for 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act — but “has decided not to charge Julian Assange for his role in exposing some of the CIA’s most secret spying tools, according to a U.S. official and two other people familiar with the…

Chelsea Manning Sent Back To Jail For Refusing To Testify Before Grand Jury

After being released from jail earlier this month after the grand jury she refused to testify before expired, NPR reports that Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who provided information to WikiLeaks, has been sent back to jail. An anonymous reader shares the report: Former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning was sent back to jail Thursday after refusing for…

Edward Snowden: Assange’s Arrest and the Mueller Report Show a ‘Two-Tiered System of Justice’

In this week’s CYBER podcast, we sat down with Edward Snowden to talk about his life in Russia, Julian Assange, and press freedom.Source:…

From Jesus Christ to Julian Assange: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State

John W. Whitehead – That list of so-called “enemies of the state” is growing. Source:…

There’s A Lot We Still Don’t Know About WikiLeaks’ Role In The 2016 Election

The Mueller report leaves some unanswered questions on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks’s role in the hack and leak against the DNC and John Podesta. Source:…

US Government Admits It Doesn’t Know If Assange Cracked Password For Manning

An FBI agent admitted in a newly unsealed court document that the Department of Justice does not know whether Assange’s offer to help Manning came to fruition. Source:…

DOJ Charges Julian Assange With Conspiracy to Hack Classified U.S. Government Computer

Julian Assange has been formally charged by U.S. prosecutors for a single count of “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified U.S. government computer,” the Justice Department announced Thursday morning.  Read more… Source: