Surprise News About Superhero Actor Chadwick Boseman Becomes Most-Liked Tweet Ever

Yahoo News reports:
On Friday, Chadwick Boseman’s family posted a final tweet on his Twitter account, announcing that he had died after a four-year battle with colon cancer. Twitter confirmed on Saturday afternoon that this tweet from Boseman’s account is now the most-liked tweet on Twitter of all time… “The 43-year-old’s death shocked many in Hollywood who were unaware he had spent…

Trump denounces anti-Semitism one day after defending Charlottesville marchers


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Twitter and YouTube Won’t Commit to Ban White Nationalism After Facebook Makes Policy Switch

Last week, Facebook banned white nationalism and white separatism from its platform. This came after a Motherboard investigation based on leaked documents found that Facebook did not allow white supremacist content on the world’s biggest social network but did permit the other ideologies. Facebook changed this stance after a civil rights backlash, and the switch… Continue reading Twitter and YouTube Won’t Commit to Ban White Nationalism After Facebook Makes Policy Switch