Police Charity Bought An iPhone Hacking Tool and Gave It To Cops

The San Diego Police Foundation, an organization that receives donations from corporations, purchased iPhone unlocking technology for the city’s police department, according to emails obtained by Motherboard. From the report: The finding comes as activist groups place renewed focus on police foundations, which are privately run charities that raise funds from Wall Street banks and other companies, purchase items, and then…

Rat That Sniffs Out Land Mines Receives Award For Bravery

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The medal awarded on Friday lauded the “lifesaving bravery and devotion to duty” for work detecting land mines in Cambodia. Its recipient: a rat named Magawa.
Magawais the first rat to receive the award — a gold medal bestowed by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, a British charity, that is…

Steve Wozniak Turns His 70th Birthday Into a Charity Event

In 2000 Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak answered questions from Slashdot readers. More than 20 years later,
CNET writes: Party on, Woz. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak turned 70 on Tuesday, and invited the world to his virtual birthday party. The event raised funds for singer Jewel’s Inspiring Children Foundation, which provides mentorship and mental health resources for at-risk youth. And while the star-studded…

Google Victory In German Top Court Over Right To Be Forgotten

Germany’s top court handed down its first ruling since the EU’s GDPR laws went into effect in mid-2018. The court “sided with Google and rejected requests to wipe entries from search results,” reports German public broadcaster DW (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader AmiMoJo): The cases hinged on whether the right to be forgotten outweighed the public’s right to…

Harmful Lies Spread Easily in the UK Because the Nation Lacks a Law To Regulate Social Media, Study Concludes

Misleading and harmful online content about Covid-19 has spread “virulently” because the UK still lacks a law to regulate social media, an influential group of MPs has said. From a report: The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee urged the government to publish a draft copy of promised legislation by the autumn. It follows suggestions the Online Harms Bill might not…

Covid-19 news: Coronavirus not “done by Christmas”, says charity boss

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-coronavirus-not-done-by-christmas-says-charity-boss/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Smokers Quit in Highest Numbers in a Decade

More than one million people have given up smoking since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, a survey for charity Action on Smoking and Health (Ash) suggests. From a report: Of those who had quit in the previous four months, 41% said it was in direct response to coronavirus. Separately, University College London (UCL) found more people quit smoking in the year to…

Woman Who Harassed Starbucks Barista Now Wants Half the Money He Raised

destinyland writes: Amber Lynn Gilles walked into a Starbucks without a mask, later complaining on Facebook about the server who’d asked her to wear one. (“Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption!”) She says she’s surprised by the attention “my little review” attracted. A GoFundMe campaign supporting the Starbucks barista who had to deal with her…

Python Overtakes Java? JetBrains Releases ‘State of Developer Ecosystem’ Survey

The creators of the Kotlin programming language — the Czech software development company Jetbrains — announced results from their annual “State of the Developer Ecosystem” survey. This year’s survey involved 19,696 developers in 18 countries, and found that: JavaScript is the most used overall programming language. Websites are the most common type of application developers work on. Python has overtaken Java…