CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Guide: The Blog That Will Not Die

The CDC published a blog post about zombies 10 years ago and news outlets simply will not shut up about it.Source:…

Forgotten PS1 Game ‘Magic Castle’ Finally Emerges Two Decades Later

It might have taken more than 20 years, but a game intended for the original PlayStation has at last made its way into the world. Engadget reports: A group of Japanese developers worked on Magic Castle for eight months in the late ’90s. They used Sony’s Net Yaroze, a system with which hobbyists could make games for the console. The team…

‘Super Nintendo World’ Amusement Park Previewed By Mario’s 68-Year-Old Creator

“On Friday, Nintendo and Universal Studios Japan took the veil off a years-in-the-making project: the very first Nintendo-themed theme park,” reports Ars Technica (in an article shared by long-time Slashdot reader mprindle): And who better to introduce the world to this life-sized walk through of all things Mario than the character’s creator himself, longtime Nintendo developer and designer Shigeru Miyamoto… Many…

Cloudflare Offers ‘Isolated’ Cloud-Based Browser, Plus a Network-as-a-Service Solution

Cloudflare has released the beta of its new “browser isolation” service, which runs a web browser in the cloud, reports TechRadar. As more and more computing is done inside a browser as opposed to on a system itself, many enterprise organizations have begun to deploy browser isolation services where the browser doesn’t actually run on a user’s computer. Instead the browser…