What Do Worms Eat? | Worm Farming 101

“What do worms eat?” is the first question on every beginner worm farmer’s mind. If you are looking to add worm farms in your homestead then here is everything you need to know about what worms eat. RELATED: Worm Farm Kit: Essential Supplies Every Beginner Should Have What Do Worms Eat? | FAQs What to Feed…Continue Reading
The post What Do Worms Eat?…

Foreign Hackers Cripple Texas County’s Email System, Raising Election Security Concerns

Last week, voters and election administrators who emailed Leanne Jackson, the clerk of rural Hamilton County in central Texas, received bureaucratic-looking replies. “Re: official precinct results,” one subject line read. The text supplied passwords for an attached file. But Jackson didn’t send the messages. From a report: Instead, they came from Sri Lankan and Congolese email addresses, and they cleverly hid…

Face Shields Ineffective at Trapping Aerosols, Says Japanese Supercomputer

Plastic face shields are almost totally ineffective at trapping respiratory aerosols, according to modelling in Japan, casting doubt on their effectiveness in preventing the spread of coronavirus. From a report: A simulation using Fugaku, the world’s fastest supercomputer, found that almost 100% of airborne droplets of less than 5 micrometres in size escaped through plastic visors of the kind often used…

Trump Says ByteDance Can’t Keep Control of TikTok in Oracle Deal

President Donald Trump said he might rescind his tentative blessing for a deal between Oracle and ByteDance to create a new U.S.-based TikTok service, casting doubt on the agreement as Chinese state media signaled reluctance in Beijing. From a report: Speaking in an interview on Fox News on Monday, Trump said he wouldn’t approve the deal if the Chinese company retains…

Bill Gates On the Difference Between Elon Musk and Steve Jobs

In an interview with Bloomberg, Bill Gates was asked whether his contemporary Elon Musk could be considered the “next Steve Jobs,” due to the advancements his companies Tesla and SpaceX have made in electric cars and reusable rockets, respectively. CNBC reports: “If you know people personally, that kind of gross oversimplification seems strange,” Gates told Bloomberg in the interview published Thursday….

EU Draft Plan Targets Free Carbon Credit Cut For Most Industries

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Most industries covered by the European Union’s carbon market would see free credits cut by the highest possible rate over the next five years under draft plans, potentially costing some of the biggest polluters millions of euros. The carbon market is the EU’s main policy for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, by forcing power…

Safest Voting Method Is Using Paper, Leading Cyber Expert Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Election voting is the cybersecurity industry’s most difficult challenge, and casting ballots on paper is the safest option against any digital disruptions, saysCrowdStrikeHoldings co-founder and former Chief Technology Officer Dmitri Alperovitch. “Voting is the hardest thing to secure when it comes to cybersecurity,” Alperovitch said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “The…

Observatory’s quick reflexes capture fleeting flash

Rapid follow-up of the optical afterglow from one of the most distant confirmed short gamma-ray bursts (SGRB), thought to be the merger of two neutron stars, is casting new light on these enigmatic objects. The observations, made by the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab, confirmed the object’s distance and placed it squarely in the epoch of cosmic high…

Here’s how to see Jupiter’s four largest moons

Jupiter is now at its best time of the year for viewing, so turn your binoculars or telescope on the giant planet for a glimpse of its 4 largest Galilean moons. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/how-to-see-jupiters-moons…

Why a Voting App Won’t Solve Our Problems This November

XXongo writes: Although the problems with internet voting have been pointed out over and over again, with the arrival of COVID-19, the idea has again been brought up as a way to avoid the problems of in-person voting. If we can do banking by internet, why can’t we do online voting? But, voting by an app is still a really stupid…