Thousands of Americans are jailed before trial. A new report shows the lasting impact.


It’s Hurricane Preparedness Week. Are you ready?

May 5-11, 2019, is Hurricane Preparedness Week in the U.S. If a hurricane were approaching, would you and your family be ready? This post will tell you how to prepare. Source:…

‘Universal Basic Income Doesn’t Work’

An anonymous reader shares an opinion piece from The Guardian, written by analyst, writer and head of social policy for the New Economics Foundation, Anna Coote: A study published this week sheds doubt on ambitious claims made for universal basic income (UBI), the scheme that would give everyone regular, unconditional cash payments that are enough to live on. Its advocates claim…

A Famous UFO Case? Or, a Military Test Gone Wrong?

On October 5, 2015, here at Mysterious Universe, Micah Hanks wrote an article titled “The Cash-Landrum Incident: Was a Nuclear Aircraft Involved?” Micah’s article began as follows: “Of all the best-known and often reviewed UFO cases of the last few decades, many would contend that one of the most puzzling had been the Cash-Landrum incident,… Read more » Source:…

3 Factors to Consider Before Investing in Cryptocurrency

Waking Times – Therefore, if you’re considering an investment in cryptocurrency, here are three biggest factors that will influence its adoption. Source:…

Fortnite World Cup: More than 1,200 Accounts Banned For Cheating

“Epic Games gave bans to more than 1,200 Fortnite accounts and revoked cash prizes that more than 200 players had won following Epic’s investigations of cheating in the first week of Fortnite’s World Cup Online Open,” reports Polygon: That cheater (whom Epic did not name) used the cheat software during the tournament’s semifinals. The account involved had played “for less than…

For Some Legal Weed Businesses, Cryptocurrency Actually Makes Sense

Despite being recreationally legal in 10 states, cannabis businesses have to come up with creative ways to accept payment other than cash. Source:…

Large Rocks Mysteriously Fall From the Sky in India

Rocks mysteriously falling from the sky is one of the classic Fortean phenomena described in Charles Forte’s “Book of the Damned.” Often blamed on poltergeists, pranksters, weather or Bigfoot, these dangerous events are reported frequently in India, which is where the latest occurrence originates. Residents of Raigarh say they now fear nightfall after large rocks… Read more » Source:…