‘Extremely Aggressive’ Internet Censorship Spreads In the World’s Democracies

Researchers from the University of Michigan used their own automated censorship tracking system to collect more than 21 billion measurements over 20 months in 221 countries. They discovered that citizens in what are considered the world’s freest countries aren’t safe from internet censorship. From a press release: [Roya Ensafi, U-M assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science who led the…

Discover how Melaine is driving education efforts in West Africa using skills learned on Coursera

We’d like to introduce you to Melaine Nyuyfoni Nsaikila. In the story he shares below, Melaine describes how learning on Coursera helped give him an edge in his job search and the tools to continue to make a difference in policy and development. With persistence and determination, he built the technical skills that he now […]
The post Discover how Melaine is…

Chinese-Made Smartphones Are Secretly Stealing Money From People Around the World

An anonymous reader quotes a report from BuzzFeed News: When Mxolosi saw a Tecno W2 smartphone in a store in Johannesburg, South Africa, he was attracted to its looks and functionality. But what really drew him in was the price, roughly $30 — far less than comparable models from Samsung, Nokia, or Huawei, Africa’s other top brands. It was another sale…

People In The Developing World Thought They Were Buying Cheap Cellphones. They Were Also Getting Robbed.

An anonymous reader shares a report: When Mxolosi saw a Tecno W2 smartphone in a store in Johannesburg, South Africa, he was attracted to its looks and functionality. But what really drew him in was the price, roughly $30 — far less than comparable models from Samsung, Nokia, or Huawei, Africa’s other top brands. […] But its success can come at…

Slowing the Coronavirus Is Speeding the Spread of Other Diseases

schwit1 shares a report from The New York Times: As poor countries around the world struggle to beat back the coronavirus, they are unintentionally contributing to fresh explosions of illness and death from other diseases — ones that are readily prevented by vaccines. This spring, after the World Health Organization and UNICEF warned that the pandemic could spread swiftly when children…

Did early humans in Africa interbreed with a mysterious, extinct species?

New research suggests that early humans in Africa interbred with a ghost population that likely split from the ancestors of humans and Neanderthals between 360,000 and 1.02 million years ago. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/early-humans-africa-interbred-with-extinct-species…

DNA from ancient skeletons reveals a lost branch of modern humans

DNA from four skeletons found in Cameroon has revealed a mystery branch of early modern humans, suggesting we may need to rethink our species’ family tree Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24532663-000-dna-from-ancient-skeletons-reveals-a-lost-branch-of-modern-humans/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Huawei’s Ace In the Hole: Undersea Cables

While the United States is banning the use of Huawei equipment from its fifth-generation infrastructure, the Chinese telecommunications company is working to expand its share in the undersea cable market, which is dominated by the U.S., Europe and Japan. Nikkei Asian Review reports: About a decade ago, Huawei entered the business by setting up a joint venture with British company Global…

UK government directs £4.6 million to tackling illegal wildlife trade

Efforts to disrupt grey parrot trade in Cameroon and reduce demand for turtle products in Nicaragua are among 14 projects to win funding from the UK government Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2200314-uk-government-directs-4-6-million-to-tackling-illegal-wildlife-trade/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…