Asthma Carbon Footprint ‘As Big As Eating Meat’

Cambridge University researchers say some inhalers are bad for the environment because they release greenhouse gases linked to global warming. They recommend patients with asthma talk to their doctors to see if there’s a “greener” medication they could switch to to help cut their carbon footprint and save the environment. The BBC reports: There are more than five million people with…

Milton’s Notes On Shakespeare Appear To Have Been Found

Almost 400 years after the first folio of Shakespeare was published in 1623, scholars believe they have identified the early owner of one copy of the text, who made hundreds of insightful annotations throughout: John Milton. The Guardian reports: The astonishing find, which academics say could be one of the most important literary discoveries of modern times, was made by Cambridge…

‘World’s Oldest Webcam’ To Be Switched Off

The world’s oldest continuously working webcam is being switched off after 25 years. The BBC reports: The Fogcam was set up in 1994 to watch how the weather changed on the San Francisco State University campus. has broadcast almost continuously since then barring regular maintenance and the occasional need for it to be re-sited to maintain its view. Its creators said…

Snow algae thrives in some of Earth’s most extreme conditions

A new study found snow algae in tall ice structures high in the Chilean Andes. Researchers don’t entirely understand how the algae are able to bloom. Source:…

Scientists Create World’s First Living Organism With Fully Redesigned DNA

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Scientists have created the world’s first living organism that has a fully synthetic and radically altered DNA code. In a two-year effort, researchers at the laboratory of molecular biology, at Cambridge University, read and redesigned the DNA of the bacterium Escherichia coli (E coli), before creating cells with a synthetic version of…

This Genetic Mutation Makes People Feel Full — All the Time

Two new studies confirm that weight control is often the result of genetics, not willpower. Source:…