Should Perl 7 Be Backwards Compatible?

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: What’s up with Perl 7? Perl Foundation board member Ricardo Signes tried to sum up the state of the community in a detailed post to the “Perl 5 porters” mailing list. And in a section titled “To Break or Not To Break,” he writes that “The central Perl 7 question is not about version numbering, but…

Astronomers Spy a Milky Way-like Galaxy In the Very Early Universe

Slashdot reader sciencehabit quotes Science magazine: Astronomers imagine the early universe as a wild and lawless place, with chaotic fledgling galaxies full of swirling gases and frantic star formation. So an image released today comes as a surprise: a young galaxy, spied when the universe was just 10% of its current age, that looks remarkably like our calm and well-ordered Milky…

Previous Vaccines and Masks Could Reduce Covid-19 Severity, Some Researchers Say

Applehu Akbar shared CNN’s article about why some people experience Covid-19 differently: “When we looked in the setting of Covid disease, we found that people who had prior vaccinations with a variety of vaccines — for pneumococcus, influenza, hepatitis and others — appeared to have a lower risk of getting Covid disease,” Dr. Andrew Badley, an infectious disease specialist at Mayo…

Ancient serene galaxy suggests the early universe was eerily calm

A strange “coffee stain” galaxy in the early universe is much calmer than it ought to be, which may mean our ideas about a chaotic young universe could be wrong Source:…

Slashdot Asks: What Movies, TV Shows, and Games Have You Enjoyed of Late?

What are some titles — movies, TV shows, or any console video games — that have helped you stay calm in recent months? (No need to limit the listing to recently releases.)

Read more of this story at Slashdot.