Clash and Byte, Two of TikTok’s Competitors, Are Merging

Yesterday, Clash announced it was acquiring Byte, a short-form video app launched by Vine cofounder Dom Hofmann. The announcement comes “at a time when TikTok itself now appears to be here to stay,” reports CNN. From the report: Dubsmash, another TikTok competitor with a similar algorithmic feed serving up entertaining videos, was acquired last month by Reddit. Meanwhile, Adam Mosseri, the…

Memory vs. Disk vs. CPU: How 35 Years Has Changed the Trade-Offs

Long-time Slashdot reader 00_NOP is a software engineer (with a PhD in real-time computing) re-visits a historic research paper on the financial trade-offs between disk space (then costing about $20,000 per kilobyte) and (volatile) memory (costing about $5 per kilobyte): Thirty-five years ago that report for Tandem computers concluded that the cost balance between memory, disk and CPU on big iron…

Celebrate Intel’s 4004 Microprocessor Turning 49 Today

Tim McNerney is the project leader at, a site commemorating Intel’s original 4004 microprocessor. He’s also long-time Slashdot reader mcpublic, and shares news of a new open source adapter — plus a great moment chip history: Even though Intel debuted its groundbreaking 4004 on November 15th, 1971, 49 years ago today, in the pages of Electronics News, there is something…

Did You Know Today Is ‘The Day of the Programmer’?

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland shares Wikipedia’s entry reminding us that this year’s “Day of the Programmer” falls on September 13:
The Day of the Programmer is an international professional day that is celebrated on the 256th (hexadecimal 100th, or the 2**8th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 in leap years). It is officially recognized in…

The ‘Go’ Team Releases Version 1.14

The new 1.14 release of the Go programming language “is dotted with performance and security improvements,” reports the developer news site DevClass, “but also gives devs more flexibility when it comes to module use.” And they also give a nice overview of Go’s development process:
Go is the language most containerization projects are built with. The wide adoption of this approach is…