Study Claims Using Twitter Erodes Your Intelligence

Researchers at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan have discovered that Twitter-based classes actually hurts academic performance, according to the Washington Post:
The finding by a team of Italian researchers is not necessarily that the crush of hashtags, likes and retweets destroys brain cells; that’s a question for neuroscientists, they said. Rather, Twitter not only fails to enhance intellectual…

Are Trendy Developers Ignoring Tradeoffs and Over-Engineering Workplaces?

An anonymous reader shares an article titled “Does IT Run on Java 8?” “After more than ten years in tech, in a range of different environments, from Fortune 500 companies, to startups, I’ve finally come to realize that most businesss and developers simply don’t revolve around whatever’s trending on Hacker News,” argues one Python/R/Spark data scientist:
Most developers — and companies –…

Today in science: Neil Armstrong’s close call

On May 6, 1968 – more than a year before his famous first moonwalk – Neil Armstrong narrowly escaped disaster during a training exercise, at the same time demonstrating the right stuff. Source:…

Best Free (and Almost Free) Resources to Help You Eat a Plant-rich Diet

Sofia Adamson – There are tons of resources available online to get you on the path of eating a plant-based diet. Source:…

Fandom’s new “ship dynamics” meme is all about our fave romantic tropes


Today in science: Bingham Canyon landslide

The April 10, 2013, landslide at Bingham Canyon mine happened in the form of 2 rock avalanches 95 minutes apart. The first rock avalanche included grayer bedrock material seen around the margins of the lower part of the slide. The second rock avalanche is orange in color, both from bedrock and from waste rock from… Continue reading Today in science: Bingham Canyon landslide

Whale rainbows

Rainbow above a whale in Monterey Bay. Photo by William Drumm via Oceana. Here’s a collection of photos, and a video, of rainbows made by whales. Atmospheric Optics guru Les Cowley told me: These are rainbows made by drops from the whale’s blowholes rather than the more usual raindrops. These are true rainbows, not iridescence… Continue reading Whale rainbows

How to Use Your Senses to Awaken Your Brain

As miraculous as the human brain is, it would be worthless without the senses that connect us to the outside word. Any time you use one of the five senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste—you are receiving messages directly from the world around you. Together, they give us our perception of the world and our […] Source:…

Exercise Is Important for Physical AND Spiritual Health

Everyone already knows that exercise is important for your body’s fitness. But did you know that it’s critical for your mental and spiritual health as well? One might even say that it is the foundation of wellness for the entire being—body, mind, and spirit. The Science Supporting Exercise Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the importance […] Source:…

Use the Power of Energy to Change Your Life

In my list of the seven most powerful tools for developing a Power Brain, energy is number three on the list. Because it is an unfamiliar concept to some in the Western world, it might at first seem esoteric or fanciful, but in fact it is a common sense part of everyday life. Most people […] Source:…