Cursed Loch Ness Home of Occultist Aleister Crowley Goes Up For Sale

The former home of one of the most notorious figures in the study of the occult and the mystical has gone up for sale. The fire-ravaged ruins of Boleskine House, the one-time residence of Aleister Crowley, have been listed for sale at £500,000 (around $650,000 USD). Crowley, who called himself “The Great Beast” and was… Continue reading Cursed Loch Ness Home of Occultist Aleister Crowley Goes Up For Sale

Chile’s Mysterious Island of Warlocks

Some places in this world just seem to draw to themselves mysteries and legends. Just off the coast of the South American country of Chile, in the Los Lagos Region of the southern end of the country, is a place called the Chiloé Archipelago, the name meaning “place of seagulls” in the native Huilliche language,… Continue reading Chile’s Mysterious Island of Warlocks