Hundreds of Armed US Counter-Protesters Fall for ‘Apparent Hoax’

Yesterday as America celebrated its Independence Day, the Washington Post reports something unusual happened at the historic Civil War battefield at Gettysburg: For weeks, a mysterious figure on social media talked up plans for antifa protesters to converge on this historical site on Independence Day to burn American flags, an event that seemed at times to border on the farcical… There…

How coronavirus drifts through the air in microscopic droplets

Aerosols are the tiny particles of liquid and material that float around in our environment. When they come from an infected person, they may be a significant source of coronavirus transmission. The science of infectious aerosols. Source:…

After Spike In Deaths, New York To Get 250 Miles of Protected Bike Lanes

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Riding a bicycle in New York City is often a harrowing journey across a patchwork of bike lanes that leave cyclists vulnerable to cars. The dangers came into focus this year after 25 cyclists were killed on city streets — the highest toll in two decades. Now Mayor Bill de…

Apple Watch May Have Saved A Biker’s Life

“A Spokane man is saying that an Apple Watch helped save his dad’s life following a bicycle crash at Doomsday Hill,” reports a local TV station: According to a Facebook post, Gabe Burdett was on his way to meet up with his father Bob last weekend at Riverside State Park, but Bob wasn’t at their meet up spot. Burdett received a…