Facebook Awards $100,000 Prize For New Code Isolation Technique

ZDNet reports: Facebook has awarded a $100,000 prize to a team of academics from Germany for developing a new code isolation technique that can be used to safeguard sensitive data while it’s being processed inside a computer. The award is named the Internet Defense Prize, and is a $100,000 cash reward that Facebook has been giving out yearly since 2014 to…

Quantum Radar Has Been Demonstrated For the First Time

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MIT Technology Review: Shabir Barzanjeh at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria and a few colleagues have used entangled microwaves to create the world’s first quantum radar. Their device, which can detect objects at a distance using only a few photons, raises the prospect of stealthy radar systems that emit little detectable electromagnetic…

Moon and Winter Circle at dawn August 25

Wait, what? Winter Circle? Yes, even though it’s still summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The early morning summer sky shows you what you’ll see come winter. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-winter-circle-at-dawn-august-25…

Researchers get first microscopic look at a tiny phenomenon with big potential implications

Matter behaves differently when it’s tiny. At the nanoscale, electric current cuts through mountains of particles, spinning them into vortexes that can be used intentionally in quantum computing. The particles arrange themselves into a topological map, but the lines blur as electrons merge into indistinguishable quasiparticles with shifting properties. The trick is learning how to control such changeable materials. …

Gravitational waves could settle mystery of the universe’s expansion

Supernovae and the big bang’s afterglow give us conflicting numbers on how fast the universe is expanding. Gravitational waves could help settle things Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2214225-gravitational-waves-could-settle-mystery-of-the-universes-expansion/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Great Square points to Andromeda galaxy

If your sky is dark, you’ll enjoy locating these stars and using this method of finding the Andromeda galaxy. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/andromeda-galaxy-visible-again-each-evening…

Microsoft’s Chromium-Powered Edge Browser Moves Closer To Release With New Beta Build

Microsoft today made a beta version of its Chromium Edge browser available to download for macOS and Windows platforms, as it looks to convince users to give its revamped version of desktop browser a try. The company said the new beta version is built for “everyday use.” From a report: Those on the Dev and Canary channels will continue to be…

Juul, Philip Morris Sued Under Racketeer Act For Targeting Kids

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: E-cigarette maker Juul Labs Inc. and Philip Morris USA Inc. were sued for illegally marketing nicotine-delivery devices to minors and deceiving consumers about the risks of vaping. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a 19-year-old, Christian Foss, who says he became addicted to nicotine and suffered worsening asthma symptoms after he began…

Vermicomposting | Fertilize With Worm Castings

Vermicomposting is worming its way onto farms everywhere. Here’s why you should fertilize with worm castings, and how to grow your own worm composting unit. Vermicomposting For The Homestead I’m always looking for new ways on the farm to reuse, recycle and repurpose, and there’s nothing I love more than an opportunity to reduce the…Continue Reading
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Twitter Blocks State-Controlled Media Outlets From Advertising On Its Social Network

Twitter is now blocking state-run media outlets from advertising on its platform. The new policy was announced just hours after the company was criticized for running promoted tweets by China’s largest state agency that paint pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong as violent, even though the rallies, including one that drew an estimated 1.7 million people this weekend, have been described as…