How a Self-Taught Engineer Landed a New Job in Tech

Alina is a self-taught engineer from Berlin, Germany who turned to Coursera to gain the skills and knowledge she needed to break into the tech field.  Real-life projects for hands-on practice When I started on this self-teaching road, there were many online resources to choose from but I stopped at Coursera because unlike other platforms, […]
The post How a Self-Taught Engineer…

Engineers using soundwaves to search through big data with more stability and ease

Human beings create a lot of data in the digital age—whether it’s through everyday items like social media posts, emails and Google searches, or more complex information about health, finances and scientific findings. …

EU Reappoints Top Antitrust Cop Who Led Crackdown on Tech Giants

In a surprise move, the new European Commission has reappointed Margrethe Vestager to be its antitrust chief. From a report: As Europe’s chief of competition, Vestager has over the past several years led a crusade against many of the biggest U.S. tech companies for abuses of power. But following recent elections for the European Parliament and the selection of a new…

Facebook’s Ex-Security Chief Details His ‘Observatory’ for Internet Abuse

Andy Greenberg, writing for Wired: When Alex Stamos describes the challenge of studying the worst problems of mass-scale bad behavior on the internet, he compares it to astronomy. To chart the cosmos, astronomers don’t build their own Hubble telescopes or Arecibo observatories. They concentrate their resources in a few well-situated places and share time on expensive hardware. But when it comes…

From Fitbits To Rokus, Hedge Funds Mine Data For Consumer Habits

In an effort to gain an elusive trading edge, some of the world’s biggest hedge funds have been snapping up large swaths of alternative data from Fitbits, Rokus, Teslas and employment websites like Glassdoor. Bloomberg reports: Spotting trends and patterns in consumer habits is big business, part of a global market for big data, that a JPMorgan Chase report said could…

10 Important Ways Analytical Skills Boost Your Resume

Analytical skills say a lot about a person. In particular, they say a lot of things that are very attractive to an employer no matter what job position you hold. When you demonstrate an ability to analyze data and make informed recommendations, you quickly become an indispensable part of the team. You become the go-to person for helping making sense of…