Meet the Reaper of Death, a new Canadian tyrannosaur

A new tyrannosaur species named Thanatotheristes, which means “reaper of death,” was the apex predator of its time, 79 million years ago in present day Alberta, Canada. Source:…

What Makes A Dog Smart? Are Certain Dog Breeds Smarter?

Ever looked at your dog and wonder just what they’re thinking? That’s the question Dr. Brian Hare has spent his career trying to answer. He’s a scientist, New York Times bestselling author of the book, The Genius of Dogs, and Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University in North Carolina. His publications on dog cognition […]
The post What Makes A Dog…

Facial Recognition Database With 3 Billion Scraped Images ‘Might End Privacy as We Know It’

One police detective bragged that photos “could be covertly taken with a telephoto lens” then input into Clearview AI’s database of more than three billion scraped images to immediately identify suspects. Long-time Slashdot reader v3rgEz writes: For the past year, government transparency non-profits and Open the Government have been digging into how local police departments around the country use facial recognition….

Killer Robots Reconsidered: Could AI Weapons Actually Save Lives?

“On the surface, who could disagree with quashing the idea of supposed killer robots?” writes Slashdot reader Lasrick. “Dr. Larry Lewis, who spearheaded the first data-based approach to protecting civilians in conflict, wants us to look a bit closer.” From the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:
The proponents of a UN ban are in some respects raising a false alarm. I should…

Shopify CEO Says Long Hours Aren’t Necessary For Success

Tobi Lutke, the founder and CEO of $48 billion e-commerce cloud-software company Shopify, took to Twitter to remind us all that we don’t need to work 80 hours a week to be successful. Business Insider reports: “I realize everyone’s twitter feed looks different. But I’ll go ahead and subtweet two conversations that I see going by right now: a) How the…

The magnetic north pole is heading for Siberia

Thanks to a weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field, the magnetic north pole is moving away from Canada. Contrary to popular belief, the geographic no… Source:…

In the quantum world, uncertainty reigns – or is it all in the mind?

Schrödinger’s dead-and-alive cat embodies the uncertainty of the quantum world. But whether parallel realities truly exist is a question less of science than belief Source:…

‘Why Are Cops Around the World Using This Outlandish Mind-Reading Tool?’

ProPublica has determined that dozens of state and local agencies have purchased “SCAN” training from a company called LSI for reviewing a suspect’s written statements — even though there’s no scientific evidence that it works. Local, state and federal agencies from the Louisville Metro Police Department to the Michigan State Police to the U.S. State Department have paid for SCAN training….