International team discovers 3 new species of flying reptiles

The new fossil discoveries provide clues about flying, spike-toothed reptiles that lived in the Sahara 100 million years ago. Source:…

UK has enough intensive care units for coronavirus, expert predicts

Neil Ferguson, whose modelling has informed the UK’s coronavirus strategy, says that the need for intensive care beds will come close to, but not exceed, national capacity Source:…

New York City Weighs Converting Hotels Into Hospitals For Patients Without Coronavirus

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: New York City is working with the hospitality industry to possibly convert entire hotels into hospitals for patients without the novel coronavirus, in an effort to increase capacity at medical facilities as the outbreak grows. The city’s emergency management commissioner, Deanne Criswell, said in an interview Wednesday that hotels could…

First Case of Coronavirus Confirmed In New York State

A woman who recently traveled to Iran is New York’s first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source), New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Sunday night. The Wall Street Journal reports: The woman, who wasn’t named, is in her late 30s and contracted the virus while traveling abroad in Iran. She has respiratory symptoms and is…