Early Riser or Night Owl? New Study May Help To Explain the Difference

Some people are early risers, wide awake at the crack of dawn. Others are night owls who can’t seem to get to bed until well after midnight and prefer to sleep in. Why is this? An NIH-funded team has some new clues based on evidence showing how a molecular “switch” wired into the biological clocks of extreme early risers leads them…

Arc to Arcturus, a springtime star

Arcturus is one of the easiest stars to find. Late at night in February – earlier as the months pass – just locate the Big Dipper in your northern sky. Then follow the arc in the Dipper’s handle to find yellow-orange star Arcturus. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/arc-to-arcturus-the-springtime-star…

Pier 1 Files For Bankruptcy, Warns of Dangers In Handful of Online Vendors Dominating Retail Sales

Pier 1 Imports filed for bankruptcy Monday (Warning: source paywalled; alternative source), “a victim of changing consumer tastes and an unforgiving retail environment,” reports The Wall Street Journal. “Unlike many other retailers that have sought bankruptcy in recent years, the publicly traded Pier 1 — with assets of $426.6 million and listed total debt of $258.3 million — isn’t weighed down…

Psychologists rank reasons why newly-wed heterosexual couples argue

An analysis of the topics that cause arguments between newly-wed heterosexual couples puts a lack of affection at the top of the list, with little concern about who sleeps on which side of the bed Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2233660-psychologists-rank-reasons-why-newly-wed-heterosexual-couples-argue/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Warm water measured below Antarctic glacier

The warm water found flowing under Thwaites Glacier in western Antarctica helps explain its rapid melting. Thwaites is part of what’s described the “weak underbelly” of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Its melting has implications for sea-level rise around the world. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/warm-water-measured-below-thwaites-glacier-antarctica…

Every Place is the Same Now

With a phone, anywhere else is always just a tap away. From a column: Those old enough to remember video-rental stores will recall the crippling indecision that would overtake you while browsing their shelves. With so many options, any one seemed unappealing, or insufficient. In a group, different tastes or momentary preferences felt impossible to balance. Everything was there, so there…