An Amazonian Tea May Stimulate the Formation of New Brain Cells

Popular Mechanics writes: In a new study, researchers found the traditional psychoactive drug ayahuasca stimulates the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampi of research mice. The hippocampus is responsible for many memory functions, and the mice dosed with ayahuasca also performed better in a battery of memory tests. While ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic and often purgative tea brewed from leaves…

German Entrepreneur Wants To Develop Lab-Grown Psilocybin

nightcats writes: A German capitalist wants to promote everything from psychological research, applied clinical uses of psychedelics, and even peace in the Mideast, with the help of lab-grown magic mushrooms. “Today, with a net worth of roughly $400 million accrued through various enterprises, [Christian] Angermayer is one of the driving forces behind the movement to turn long-shunned psychoactive substances, like the…

Smoking Psychedelic Toad Milk May Help Depression

No, you’re not going to need a really small stool to sit on while you milk them, but you may want to check with a medical professional before trying to smoke the milk of psychedelic toads … which a new study claims can alleviate depression for up to a month. How? Take a deep, non-toad-milk… Read more » Source:…

Traces of five drugs found on 1000-year-old South American ritual kit

Cocaine and components of ayahuasca were detected on an ancient pouch found in Bolivia, providing evidence of hallucinogen use in pre-Columbian times Source:…