Uber Self-Driving Cars Allowed Back On California Roads

Nearly two years after one of Uber’s self-driving cars was involved in a fatal crash in Arizona, the ride-hailing firm has been allowed to test its autonomous vehicles on public roads in California. “Receiving a permit in California — which has granted permits to 65 other transport firms — is the latest step in Uber’s revival of the program,” reports the…

Toyota Will Transform a 175-Acre Site In Japan Into a ‘Prototype City of the Future’

At CES on Monday, Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda said the Japanese auto giant will transform a 175-acre site of a former car factory into a “prototype city of the future” where it can test autonomous vehicles, innovative street design, smart home technology, robotics, and new mobility products on real people who would live there full-time. The Verge reports: The site, which…

California Gives a Green Light To Companies Testing Driverless Delivery Vehicles

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: California has said it will now allow companies to test light-duty autonomous delivery vehicles on the state’s public roads. The State of California’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) announced the new regulations last week, which allows companies with a permit to operate autonomous delivery vehicles that weigh up to 10,001 pounds (4.54 tons)….

Waymo’s Driver-Less Cars Will Also Deliver Parts To Repair Shops

“Waymo said that its autonomous vehicles will be used to help shuttle car parts between several AutoNation locations and other repair shops in the Phoenix, Arizona area,” reports the International Business Times: While the expanded partnership may not seem like a big deal at first blush, it’s important for investors to know that the move is yet another step for Waymo…

Waymo’s Completely Driverless Cars Are Now Picking Up Passengers

“Congrats! This car is all yours, with no one up front,” announces the cheery pop-up notification from Waymo’s app. “This ride will be different. With no one else in the car, Waymo will do all the driving. Enjoy this free ride on us!” TechCrunch got one of the first completely-driverless rides as a journalist, writes long-time Slashdot reader galgon. “It appears…

Waymo Releases a Self-Driving Open Data Set For Free Use By Research Community

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Waymo is opening up its significant stores of autonomous driving data with a new Open Data Set it’s making available for the purposes of research. The data set isn’t for commercial use, but its definition of “research” is fairly broad, and includes researchers at other companies as well as academics. The data set…

Scientists Use Sound To See Around Corners

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: Spies may soon have another tool to carry out their shadowy missions: a new device that uses sound to “see” around corners. Previously, researchers developed gadgets that bounced light waves around corners to catch reflections and see things out of the line of sight. To see whether they could do something similar with sound,…