Kotaku Posts ‘A Reminder That Video Games Are A Force For Good’

An anonymous reader quotes Kotaku Australia:
Spurred on by the recent discussions of video games and violence, and spurred on by the emotional and often downbeat tone of that discussion, a user on Twitter posted a simple thought exercise. Rather than talking about the misery and pain of the week, what if people shared all the times Nintendo games changed lives instead?…

High Levels of Oestrogens In the Womb Linked To Autism, Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ScienceDaily: Scientist have identified a link between exposure to high levels of oestrogen sex hormones in the womb and the likelihood of developing autism. The findings are published today in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. In 2015, a team of scientists at the University of Cambridge and the State Serum Institute in Denmark measured the…

Canned Laughter Makes Jokes Seem Funnier, Study Finds

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: In research that will ensure the sitcoms of the future are as painful as those broadcast today, scientists have found that canned laughter makes bad jokes seem funnier. The impact of overlaid laughter emerged from a study with autistic and “neurotypical” people, all of whom agreed to endure 40 jokes that were…

Google Glass May Have an Afterlife As a Device To Teach Autistic Children

While Google stopped selling its augmented-reality glasses to customers due to privacy concerns, Google Glass lived on as something to be used by researchers and businesses. The New York Times reports of a new effort from Stanford researchers to use Google Glass to help autistic children understand emotions and engage in more direct ways with those around them. The glasses could…

Facebook Downgrades Posts That Promote Miracle Cures

Facebook said on Tuesday that it’s downgrading content that makes dubious health claims, including posts that try to sell or promote “miracle cures.” From a report: Big technology platforms have faced growing criticism over the spread of fake or misleading content. Reports emerged last year that Facebook had been featuring homemade cancer “cures” more prominently than genuine information from renowned organizations,…

Gut Bacteria-Autism Link May Just Be Misinterpreted Data From a Confusing GUI

Remember that mouse study which concluded gut bacteria may contribute to autism symptoms? Jon Brock, a cognitive scientist with 18 years research experience on neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism, has posted a Medium post summarizing new critiques of the research emerging online. (For example, from Professor Thomas Lumley, a statistical researcher who has concluded that the study’s analysis “is wrong,” and “arguably…

Gut Bacteria May Contribute To Autism Symptoms, Mouse Study Finds

Suren Enfiajyan shared this story from Science magazine:
Genes are a powerful driver of risk for autism, but some researchers suspect another factor is also at play: the set of bacteria that inhabits the gut. That idea has been controversial, but a new study offers support for this gut-brain link. It reveals that mice develop autismlike behaviors when they are colonized by…

Russia’s Anti-5G Propaganda Campaign Is Spreading Across Social Media

An anonymous reader quotes Fierce Wireless:
Earlier this week, the New York Times published a story with the headline “Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.” [Non-paywalled MSN version here.] The story outlined how RT, the Russia-backed and U.S.-based television network, has been peddling 5G cancer fear-mongering stories, making claims that 5G causes brain cancer, infertility,…