Google Removes 17 Android Apps Caught Engaging In WAP Billing Fraud

Google has recently removed 17 Android applications from the official Play Store because they were infected with the Joker (aka Bread) malware. ZDNet reports: “This spyware is designed to steal SMS messages, contact lists, and device information, along with silently signing up the victim for premium wireless application protocol (WAP) services,” Zscaler security researcher Viral Gandhi said this week. The 17…

26% of US Adults Get Their News From YouTube, Study Finds

In a study the Pew Research Center released today, 26% of U.S. adults said they now get their news from YouTube. That includes 23% via videos posted by news organizations and 23% from independent YouTube channels. Researchers surveyed 12,638 U.S. adults for the report. VentureBeat reports: “The study finds a news landscape on YouTube in which established news organizations and independent…

Emacs Developers (Including Richard Stallman) Discuss How to Build a More ‘Modern’ Emacs re-visits the emacs-devel mailing list, where the Emacs 28 development cycle has revived discussions about how to make the text editor more “modern” and attractive to new users: A default dark theme may not be in the future, leading one to think that there may yet be hope for the world in general. But there does seem to be general…

Scientists probe dark matter in a virtual universe

The new work reveals dark matter haloes as active regions of the sky, teeming with not only galaxies, but also radiation-emitting collisions that could make it possible to find dark matter haloes in the real sky. Source:…

Search for ETs among 10 million stars comes up empty

Astronomers used a radio telescope in Australia to search for artificial radio signals among 10 million stars. The search came up empty. But, they say, that’s not bad news for those hoping to find intelligent extraterrestrials. Source:…

CDC Report Links Dining Out To Increased COVID-19 Risk

gollum123 shares a report from CNBC: Dining out raises the risk of contracting Covid-19 more than other activities, such as shopping or going to a salon, according to a report published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings come as many states consider the safest ways to reopen businesses, especially restaurants. Those who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2,…

Hydrogen and Carbon Capture Tech Are Key To Net-Zero US Electricity, Study Says

The United States can generate affordable electricity without producing carbon dioxide emissions by 2035 by deploying hydrogen or carbon capture technology, according to a report released on Wednesday by a climate policy think tank. Reuters reports: The report by California-based Energy Innovatihere which researches ways to combat global warming, highlighted five scenarios for the United States to generate 100% clean energy…

A New Theory Asks: Could a Mask Be a Crude ‘Vaccine’?

Iwastheone shares a report from The New York Times: As the world awaits the arrival of a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine, a team of researchers has come forward with a provocative new theory: that masks might help to crudely immunize some people against the virus. The unproven idea, described in a commentary published Tuesday in the New England Journal of…

Is Hot Asphalt Increasing Air Pollution?

“A new study suggests fresh asphalt is a significant, yet overlooked, source of air pollution,” reports Science. “In fact, the material’s contribution to one kind of particulate air pollution could rival or even exceed that of cars and trucks.” UPI reports: And its emissions double as its temperature increases from 104 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, researchers found. Sunlight plays a key…

Is Hot Asphalt Really Increasing Air Pollution?

A new article examines a study which suggested fresh asphalt is “a significant, yet overlooked, source of air pollution,” (as reported by Science). “In fact, the material’s contribution to one kind of particulate air pollution could rival or even exceed that of cars and trucks.” UPI reports: And its emissions double as its temperature increases from 104 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit,…