Mysterious Hacker Dumps Database of Infamous IronMarch Neo-Nazi Forum

Freshly Exhumed shares a report from ZDNet: A mysterious hacker has published today a database dump of one of the internet’s most infamous neo-nazi meeting places — the IronMarch forum. The data published today includes a full copy of its content, including sensitive details such as emails, IP addresses, usernames, and private messages. The database dump is currently being analyzed by…

YouTube Decides to Leave Neo-Nazi Propaganda Online

In the aftermath of a neo-Nazi terrorist killing 50 people in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, tech companies spanning web hosts to social media giants have banned or shut down militant far-right content online. But even in the face of those horrific terror attacks, YouTube continues to be a bastion of white nationalist militancy.… Continue reading YouTube Decides to Leave Neo-Nazi Propaganda Online