Mercury-Saturn quasi-conjunction on February 23, 2021

Will you see Saturn and Mercury in the east before sunup these next few mornings? It won’t be easy. They’re near the sunrise. Their quasi-conjunction comes on February 23. Source:…

Biden Sworn In as 46th President

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, taking office at a moment of profound economic, health and political crises with a promise to seek unity after a tumultuous four years that tore at the fabric of American society. New York Times: With his hand on a five-inch-thick Bible that has been…

Moon sweeps by Jupiter and Saturn October 21 to 23

These next several evenings – October 21, 22 and 23, 2020 – watch for the waxing moon to sweep by the gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Source:…

Despite the full moon, comet Lemmon!

This faint comet – Comet C/2019 U6 (Lemmon) – is headed toward its perihelion, or closest point to the sun, on June 18. It’s currently visible from the Southern Hemisphere, via strong binoculars, with a dark sky. Source:…

Giant star cluster Omega Centauri

All globular star clusters are impressive, but Omega Centauri’s in a class by itself. Sparkling with 10 million stars, it’s the Milky Way’s largest globular. Source:…

Meet M13, the Great Cluster in Hercules

Many stargazers call it the finest globular cluster in the northern half of the heavens. It’s M13, also known as the Great Cluster in Hercules. Source:…

Is Google Facing a Backlash From Medical Record Vendors?

Two months ago the Washington Post reported that Google “has partnered with health-care provider Ascension to collect and store personal data for millions of patients, including full names, dates of birth and clinical histories, in order to make smarter recommendations to physicians.” Now CNBC reports that the medical record vendor Epic Systems “has been phoning customers to tell them it will…

Google AI Beats Doctors at Breast Cancer Detection — Sometimes

Google’s health research unit said it has developed an artificial-intelligence system that can match or outperform radiologists at detecting breast cancer, according to new research. But doctors still beat the machines in some cases. From a report: The model, developed by an international team of researchers, caught cancers that were originally missed and reduced false-positive cancer flags for patients who didn’t…

Aries? Here’s your constellation

How to see Aries the Ram in your night sky, plus info about this constellation in astronomy history and mythology. Source:…

Get ready for the Venus-Saturn conjunction

Venus and Jupiter had a spectacular conjunction last month. Soon, Saturn and Venus will meet in the west after sunset. Guy Ottewell offers insights and charts to prepare you for this encounter between worlds. Source:…