Coinbase Announces Plans For ‘Remote-First’ Work Policy In Light of COVID-19

In a blog post today, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong announced that the exchange company is moving to a remote-first policy in light of COVID-19, meaning most employees will have the option to work from home. Yahoo Finance reports: “Over the last two months, I have come to believe that not only is remote work here to stay, but that it represents…

Our home world from afar

Celebrate Earth Day with these 10 images of Earth from space. Source:…

How Cruise Ships Bring 1,200 Tons of Toxic Fumes To Brooklyn a Year

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey agreed to introduce [a $21 million plug-in station] in Red Hook several years ago in an effort to eliminate 1,200 tons of carbon dioxide, 25 tons of nitrous oxide and tons of hazardous particulate matter spewed…

Apollo collection curator on what Neil Armstrong took to the moon

Teasel Muir-Harmony, curator of the Apollo spacecraft collection, on awesome astronauts, her passion for space history – and getting struck by lightning Source:…

NASA Will Soon Start Testing Its First All-Electric X-Plane

The first all electric X-plane, the X-57 Mod II, has arrived at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in California and is now ready to undergo some rigorous testing. Engadget reports: X-planes are the aircraft the agency uses to test and evaluate new technologies — NASA plans to put this plane’s electric propulsion system through testing, with the intention of sharing “valuable…

The Apollo experiment that keeps on giving

Neal Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins departed from the moon 50 years ago, but one of the experiments they left behind continues to return fresh data to this day: arrays of prisms that reflect light back toward its source, providing plentiful insights. Along with the Apollo 11 astronauts, those of Apollo 14 and 15 left arrays behind as well: The…

NASA celebrates Apollo 11’s 50th anniversary

Today marks exactly 50 years since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down on the lunar surface. When the Saturn V rocket carrying Apollo 11 and i… Source:…

Planting a flag on the moon

With virtually no atmosphere on the moon – and, therefore, no wind – flags that fly freely on Earth would hang like limp cloth in the lunar environment. So Apollo 11 engineers had to rethink flagpole design entirely. Source:…