Pesticides and industrial pollutants found in snow atop Arctic glaciers

The long journey of these compounds – likely originating in the U.S. and Eurasia – shows the far-reaching impacts of industrial pollution. Source:…

NASA Ditching ‘Insensitive’ Nicknames for Cosmic Objects

NASA is “reconsidering how we talk about space,” reports CNET:
NASA gave two examples of cosmic objects it’ll no longer use nicknames for. Planetary nebula NGC 2392 has been called the “Eskimo Nebula.” “‘Eskimo’ is widely viewed as a colonial term with a racist history, imposed on the indigenous people of Arctic regions,” NASA explained. NASA already added a note to a…

The undark nights of summer

Guy Ottewell lives in England. His illustrations of 3-dimensional space are illuminating. Long summer twilights, explained. Source:…

Lush underwater forests … in the Arctic

Did you know that there are hidden underwater forests of large brown seaweeds (kelps) in the Arctic? As temperatures warm, the forests are expanding. Source:…

Alaska Relies on Ice. What Happens When It Can’t Be Trusted?

Climate change is warming Alaska faster than any other state, bringing early thaws that create hazards and disrupt long-established ways of life. Source: