2020 Arctic sea ice minimum 2nd lowest on record

On September 15, 2020, Arctic sea ice reached its annual minimum extent, the 2nd-lowest on record. The Arctic region in general is warming 3 times faster than the rest of the planet. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/arctic-sea-ice-2020-minimum-2nd-lowest-on-record…

Pesticides and industrial pollutants found in snow atop Arctic glaciers

The long journey of these compounds – likely originating in the U.S. and Eurasia – shows the far-reaching impacts of industrial pollution. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/pesticides-industrial-pollutants-found-atop-arctic-glaciers…

Greenland’s Ice Sheet has Melted to a Point of No Return

“Ice melting in Greenland contributes more than a millimeter rise to sea level every year,” reports CNN, adding that now “that’s likely to get worse.” And Forbes shares some context:
Last week, the world was given two more harsh reminders of what the future holds as residents of Italy’s Aosta valley were told to evacuate fearing that a huge portion of the…

Arctic ice melt changing major ocean current

A major ocean current in the Arctic is faster and more turbulent as a result of rapid sea ice melt, according to a new study. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/arctic-ice-melt-changing-major-ocean-current-beaufort-gyre…

2019 Arctic Report Card: Visual highlights

NOAA’s 14th annual Arctic Report Card recounts the ways that climate change continued to alter the north polar region during 2019. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/2019-arctic-report-card-visual-highlights-video…

Arctic ice loss exposes sea mammals to deadly virus

Scientists have linked melting Arctic sea ice to the emergence of a deadly virus among sea lions, ice seals, sea otters and other marine mammals. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/arctic-ice-loss-exposes-sea-mammals-to-deadly-virus…

The last mammoths died on a remote island

A new study suggests that about 4,000 years ago, a combination of Isolation, extreme weather, and the arrival of humans on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean killed off Earth’s last population of mammoths. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/last-wooly-mammoths-died-on-remote-island…

What climate change in the Arctic means for the rest of us

Air temperatures in the Arctic are increasing at least twice as fast as the global average. What worries climate scientists about the Arctic summer of 2019? And why does it matter for the rest of the world? Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/climate-change-warming-arctic-means-for-the-rest-of-us…

2019’s Arctic sea ice minimum 2nd-lowest on record

Arctic sea ice likely reached its smallest extent for 2019 on September 18. At 1.6 million square miles (4.15 million square km), that minimum is now in a 3-way tie for 2nd-smallest in the satellite record. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/2019-arctic-sea-ice-minimum-2nd-lowest-video…