5 Simple Ways to Change Your Life With the Law of Attraction

Heather Mathews – Starting today, you can apply these five tips to create ripples of change in your life. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/16/5-simple-ways-to-change-your-life-with-the-law-of-attraction/…

Mark Zuckerberg Leveraged Facebook User Data To Fight Rivals and Help Friends, Leaked Documents Show

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg once considered making deals with third-party developers just to help him find out how much users’ data is worth, NBC News reported on Tuesday. The report, which cites 4,000 leaked pages of internal documents, shines a light on the way senior company executives viewed attaching a dollar sign to sensitive user data, despite Facebook’s public commitment…

Scranos Rootkit Expands Operations From China To the Rest of the World

A malware operation previously limited to China’s borders has expanded over the past few months to infect users from all over the world, antivirus firm Bitdefender said in a report published today. From a report: Users who have the bad habit of downloading and installing cracked software applications are at the highest risk. According to Bitdefender experts, these apps are…

Mozilla Wants Apple To Change Users’ iPhone Advertiser ID Every Month

Mozilla has launched a petition today to get Apple to rotate the IDFA unique identifier of iOS users every month. From a report: The purpose of this request is to prevent online advertisers from creating profiles that contain too much information about iOS users. IDFA stands for “IDentifier For Advertisers” and is a per-device unique ID. Apps running on a…

iOS 13 To Feature Dark Mode and Interface Updates, Report Says

9to5Mac has learned of several new features expected to be included in iOS 13. From the report: Dark Mode: There will be a system-wide Dark Mode that can be enabled in Settings, including a high contrast version, similar to what’s already available on macOS. Speaking of macOS, iPad apps that run on the Mac using Marzipan will finally take advantage…

100 years of tax brackets, in one chart

Republicans say we have too many now. But we used to have way more. https://apps.voxmedia.com/graphics/vox-marginal-taxes/javascripts/pym-5aa85469.js new pym.Parent(‘how-tax-brackets-have-changed-in-the-last-100-years__graphic’, ‘https://apps.voxmedia.com/graphics/vox-marginal-taxes/’, {xdomain: ‘.*\.voxmedia\.com’}); The US currently has seven tax brackets — and some Republicans, including Donald Trump and former House Speaker Paul Ryan — have said that they believe that’s too many. It’s been a common talking point… Continue reading 100 years of tax brackets, in one chart

This Fake Boyfriend App Bails You Out of Awkward Moments

As someone who was dealt a hefty dose of social anxiety at birth, I’ve often wished for a phone call to interrupt whatever situation I’ve found myself in. I’m shocked that I haven’t spontaneously developed the power to telepathically communicate I want to escape this party yet—and I’ve definitely been guilty of inventing a whole-ass… Continue reading This Fake Boyfriend App Bails You Out of Awkward Moments

First look at Firefox Lockbox for Android

Firefox Lockbox is a new password manager for Android by Firefox-maker Mozilla designed to provide Firefox Account users with easy access to saved passwords. Firefox Lockbox is not a typical password manager. While it shares some functionality with apps like LastPass or Bitwarden, it is more restrictive when it comes to the functionality it provides.… Continue reading First look at Firefox Lockbox for Android