A Spaceflight Engineer Recovers the Lost Software For Apollo 10’s Lunar Module

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: Vintage computing enthusiasts have recreated NASA’s legendary “Apollo Guidance Computer,” the 1960s-era assembly-language onboard guidance and navigation computer for the Apollo missions to the moon. Unfortunately, the software had been lost for the Apollo 10 mission (a manned “dress rehearsal” mission which flew to the moon eight weeks before Neil Armstrong’s famous moonwalk mission). But spaceflight…

NASA ‘Snoopy’ Lunar Module Likely Found 50 Years After Being Jettisoned Into Space

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: NASA’s trip to the Moon’s surface in July 1969 was preceded by a lot of preparatory missions — including Apollo 10, which involved a mock mission with everything but the actual landing. Astronauts Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan flew a lunar module, nicknamed “Snoopy” by the agency, nearly all the way to the…