Scientists Discover a New Way To Provide Plants the Nutrients They Need To Thrive

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have discovered a new method for delivering key nutrients to plant roots — without having to ensure they’re present in the soil where the plants are growing. This method, described by researchers in detail in a new academic paper, would manage to improve efficiency to nearly 100% absorption…

6 amazing facts about ants

It’s summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. And summertime is ant time. Here are 6 things about ants you might not know. Source:…

One Dead After Fecal Transplant Gone Wrong, FDA Warns

fahrbot-bot shares a report from Ars Technica: One patient has died and another became seriously ill after fecal transplants inadvertently seeded their innards with a multi-drug resistant bacterial infection, the Food and Drug Administration warned Thursday. The cases highlight the grave risks of what some consider a relatively safe procedure. They also call attention to the mucky issues of federal oversight…

Many of the world’s rivers are flush with dangerous levels of antibiotics

Antibiotic pollution can fuel drug resistance in microbes. A global survey of rivers finds unsafe levels of antibiotics in 16 percent of sites. Source:…

How antibiotic resistance is driven by pharmaceutical pollution

Factories in India making cheap antibiotics for the world are dumping their waste, with grim consequences for people living nearby – and global health too Source:…

8 things everybody should know about measles

In an unvaccinated population, one person with measles can infect 12 to 18 others. The measles virus is one of the most infectious diseases known to man. A person with measles can cough in a room and leave, and hours later, if you’re unvaccinated, you could catch the virus from the droplets in the air the… Continue reading 8 things everybody should know about measles

Drug-resistant “superbugs” are spreading — but your hospital doesn’t have to tell you

The Candida auris outbreak is a reminder that patients have no way of telling whether their hospital has infections. Humanity may finally be reckoning with the truly catastrophic threat of climate change. But there’s something else threatening human existence that doesn’t get nearly enough attention: superbugs. As doctors and farmers have indiscriminately doled out antimicrobial… Continue reading Drug-resistant “superbugs” are spreading — but your hospital doesn’t have to tell you

deadly germs, Lost cures: In a Kenyan Slum, Cheap Antibiotics Fuel Deadly Drug-Resistant Infections

Overuse of the medicines is not just a problem in rich countries. Throughout the developing world antibiotics are dispensed with no prescription required. Source:

Deadly germs, Lost cures: A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

The rise of Candida auris embodies a serious and growing public health threat: drug-resistant germs. Source: