T. rex had an air conditioner in its head

How did the huge dinosaurs stay cool?  According to a new study, they did it much as today’s alligators do, with a built-in ‘air conditioner’ on the top of their skulls. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/t-rex-stay-cool-air-conditioner-head-video…

Pig To Human Heart Transplants ‘Possible Within Three Years’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Adapted pig hearts could be transplanted into patients within three years, according to a report citing the surgeon who pioneered heart transplantation in the UK. On the 40th anniversary of the first successful heart transplant, Sir Terence English told The Sunday Telegraph that his protege from that operation would try to replace…

Anatomy of a cosmic seagull

Colourful and wispy, this intriguing collection of objects is known as the Seagull Nebula, named for its resemblance to a gull in flight. Made up of dust, hydrogen, helium and traces of heavier elements, this region is the hot and energetic birthplace of new stars. The remarkable detail captured here by ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope (VST) reveals the individual astronomical objects…

The science behind puppy dog eyes

You know that look your dog gives you, with the raised eyebrows, that melts your heart? A new study says that wolves don’t do it. It’s a part of how dogs have evolved to communicate with humans. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/puppy-dog-eyes-dog-communication-evolution…

A Complete Digitization of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Codex Atlanticus, the Largest Existing Collection of His Drawings & Writings

No historical figure better fits the definition of “Renaissance man” than Leonardo da Vinci, but that term has become so overused as to become misleading. We use it to express mild surprise that one person could use both their left and right hemispheres equally well. But in Leonardo’s day, people did not think of having […]

A Complete Digitization of Leonardo Da…

Oliver Sacks’ Recommended Reading List of 46 Books: From Plants and Neuroscience, to Poetry and the Prose of Nabokov

Image by Luigi Novi. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons We remember Oliver Sacks as a neurologist, but we remember him not least because he wrote quite a few books as well. If you read those books, you’ll get a sense of Sacks’ wide range of interests — invention, perception and misperception, hallucination, and […]

Oliver Sacks’ Recommended Reading List of…

How Karen is Updating Her Medical Knowledge on Coursera

Karen is a registered nurse working at a school in Wisconsin. She took courses on Coursera to update her medical knowledge and provide the best possible care for her students. “Courses on Coursera helped me realize the breadth of knowledge that’s available and helped me rediscover the love of learning.” 2012 B.C. (Before Coursera) I […]
The post How Karen is Updating…

Women suffer needless pain because almost everything is designed for men

Why women are 50 percent more likely to be misdiagnosed after a heart attack and 17 percent more likely to die in a car crash. In the 1983 movie Yentl, the title character, played by Barbra Streisand, pretends to be a man to get the education she wants. She has to change the way she… Continue reading Women suffer needless pain because almost everything is designed for men