Best Story Wins

Morgan Housel, on the art and power of storytelling: C. R. Hallpike is a respected anthropologist who once wrote a review of a young author’s recent book on the history of humans. It states: “It would be fair to say that whenever his facts are broadly correct they are not new, and whenever he tries to strike out on his own…

Astronomers dissect the anatomy of planetary nebulae using Hubble Space Telescope images

Images of two iconic planetary nebulae taken by the Hubble Space Telescope are revealing new information about how they develop their dramatic features. Researchers from Rochester Institute of Technology and Green Bank Observatory presented new findings about the Butterfly Nebula (NGC 6302) and the Jewel Bug Nebula (NGC 7027) at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society on Friday, Jan….

What are comets?

Comets are loosely packed balls of ice and dust orbiting our sun, that sometimes become visible in Earth’s skies. A comet’s tail may stretch across millions of miles of space. Source:…

Evolution: Why it seems to have a direction, and what to expect next

Does evolution always and inevitably generates greater diversity and complexity, having a predictable direction? Source:…

Here’s how SOHO and a skywatcher discovered Comet SWAN

Almost every day, the SWAN instrument aboard the sun-watching SOHO spacecraft makes a map of the sky. Anyone with internet access them maps and join the search for new comets. To date, 12 comets have been spotted in the SWAN data! Source:…

This extinct horned turtle was the size of a car

Recently-discovered fossils shed new light on an enormous horned turtle that roamed South America 5 to 10 million years ago. Source:…

Anatomy of a Rental Phishing Scam

Jeffrey Ladish writes: I was recently the (unsuccessful) target of a very well-crafted phishing scam. As part of a housing search a few weeks ago, I was trawling craigslist and zillow for rental opportunities in the SF bay area. I reached out to a beautiful looking rental place to inquire about a tour. Despite my experience as a security professional, I…

While still in the womb, humans have extra lizard-like muscles in their hands

Research involving a non-invasive scan of living human embryos shows that some muscles, thought to have been abandoned by our mammalian ancestors 250 million years ago, are still present before birth. They’re among the oldest, albeit fleeting, remnants of evolution yet seen in humans. Source:…