South Africa’s Lottery Probed As 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Drawn

AmiMoJo shares a report from the BBC: The winning numbers in South Africa’s national lottery have caused a stir and sparked accusations of fraud over their unusual sequence. Tuesday’s PowerBall lottery saw the numbers five, six, seven, eight and nine drawn, while the Powerball itself was, you’ve guessed it, 10. Some South Africans have alleged a scam and an investigation is…

Report Claims America’s CIA Also Controlled a Second Swiss Encryption Firm

Long-time Slashdot reader SonicSpike brings this report from AFP:
Swiss politicians have voiced outrage and demanded an investigation after revelations that a second Swiss encryption company was allegedly used by the CIA and its German counterpart to spy on governments worldwide. “How can such a thing happen in a country that claims to be neutral like Switzerland?” co-head of Switzerland’s Socialist Party,…

Amazon and Apple ‘Not Playing Their Part’ in Tackling Electronic Waste

Global giants such as Amazon and Apple should be made responsible for helping to collect, recycle and repair their products to cut the 155,000 tonnes of electronic waste being thrown away each year in the UK, MPs say. From a report: An investigation by the environmental audit committee found the UK is lagging behind other countries and failing to create a…

Apple To Pay $113 Million Settlement Over Its iPhone ‘Batterygate’ Slowdowns

Apple is paying $113 million to settle an investigation by 34 states and the District of Columbia over the company’s practice of slowing down the performance of older iPhones when their batteries degrade. From a report: Apple’s moves weren’t announced by the company, but rather proven by internet sleuths. That led regulators and customers alike to criticize the company for not…

India Opens Antitrust Case Against Google Over Its Payments App

India’s antitrust watchdog has opened an investigation into Google for allegedly abusing the dominant position of its app store to promote its payments service in the world’s second largest internet market. From a report: In its Monday announcement about opening an antitrust case against Google, Indian watchdog Competition Commission of India (CCI) said it would review claims of whether the Android…

China Is Blocking the WHO From Investigating the Origins of the Coronavirus

schwit1 writes: The coronavirus was first reported to have originated at an animal market in Wuhan, China, however numerous observers have already questioned this account of the virus’s origins. Among other issues, the original host animal — a species of bat — was not sold at the particular animal market, and the city of Wuhan is home to virology labs where…

Privacy Investigation Finds 5 Million Shoppers’ Images Collected At Malls Across Canada

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CTV News: Without customers’ knowledge, more than five million images of Canadian shoppers’ were collected through facial recognition software used by Cadillac Fairview, a parent company of malls across the country, according to an investigation by privacy officials. The federal privacy commissioner reported Thursday that Cadillac Fairview contravened federal and provincial privacy laws by…

Japan To Join Forces With US, Europe in Regulating Big Tech Firms

Japan will join forces with the United States and Europe to take on any market abuses by the four Big Tech companies, the new head of its antitrust watchdog said on Monday, a sign Tokyo will join global efforts to regulate digital platform operators. From a report: Kazuyuki Furuya, chairman of Japan’s Fair Trade Commission (FTC), also said Tokyo could open…

Old TV Caused Village Broadband Outages For 18 Months

seoras shares a report from the BBC: The mystery of why an entire village lost its broadband every morning at 7am was solved when engineers discovered an old television was to blame. An unnamed householder in Aberhosan, Powys, was unaware the old set would emit a signal which would interfere with the entire village’s broadband. After 18 months engineers began an…

Japan’s NTT Docomo Admits Thieves Breeched Its e-Money Service

Long-time Slashdot reader PuceBaboon tipped us off to a story in Japan Times:
About 18 million yen ($169,563) has been stolen from bank accounts linked to NTT Docomo Inc.’s e-money service, the company said Thursday, prompting police to begin an investigation into a suspected scam. As of Thursday, 66 cases of improper withdrawals from bank accounts linked to the mobile carrier’s e-money…