Facebook Content Moderators Break NDAs To Expose Shocking Working Conditions

Three former Facebook content moderators agreed to put themselves in legal jeopardy to expose the appalling working conditions they experienced while employed by a vendor for the tech giant, according to a new report by The Verge. From a report: Workers reported a dirty office environment where they often find pubic hair and bodily waste around their desks. Conditions at the…

House Lawmakers Demand End To Warrantless Collection of Americans’ Data

Two House lawmakers are pushing an amendment that would effectively defund a massive data collection program run by the National Security Agency unless the government promises to not intentionally collect data of Americans. TechCrunch reports: The bipartisan amendment — just 15 lines in length — would compel the government to not knowingly collect communications — like emails, messages and browsing data…

Moon and Saturn from nightfall to dawn

As darkness falls on June 18, 2019, notice the bright “star” near the moon. It’s not a star. It’s a planet, Saturn. You can see the moon and Saturn together from nightfall or early evening until morning dawn. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-saturn-from-nightfall-till-dawn…

Upgrade Your Memory With A Surgically Implanted Brain Chip

Bloomberg reports on a five-year, $77 million project by America’s Department of Defense to create an implantable brain device that restores memory-generation capacity for people with traumatic brain injuries. A device has now been developed by Michael Kahana, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and the medical technology company Medtronic Plc, and successfully tested with funding from America’s…

America Planted Malware In Russia’s Power Grid, Says NYT

“The U.S. military’s Cyber Command has gotten more aggressive than ever against Russia in the past year, placing ‘potentially crippling malware’ in systems that control the country’s electrical grid,” according to CNET, citing a report in the New York Times: Made possible by little-noticed legal authority granted last summer by Congress, Cyber Command’s strategy shift from a defensive to offensive posture…

Strawberry Moon and Jupiter from dusk to dawn

The crest of the moon’s full phase comes on June 17, 2019, at 8:31 UTC. On both June 16 and 17, the moon will appear full to the eye as it shines close to the king planet Jupiter all night long. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/strawberry-moon-jupiter-from-dusk-till-dawn…

News Industry Argues Google and Facebook ‘Rob Journalism of Its Revenue’, Seek Government Help

This week USA Today’s former editor-in-chief argued that “Tech overlords Google and Facebook have used monopoly to rob journalism of its revenue,” in an op-ed shared by schwit1: Over the past decade, the news business has endured a bloodbath, with tens of thousands of journalists losing their jobs amid mass layoffs. The irony is, more people than ever are consuming news……

Target Experiences A ‘Massive’ Nationwide Cash Register Outage

CBS News reports:
Target acknowledged nationwide “system issues” affecting its stores on Saturday that prevented its customers from checking out at registers. The outage caused long checkout lines at Target locations, with upset customers posting images and video on social media. Slashdot reader McGruber shared an article reporting more than 5,000 posts on Downdetector.com about problems at Target stores Saturday — and…