Roswell and the Congressman: A Strange Saga

In the spring of 1993, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff began to make inquiries with the Defense Department in an attempt to determine the truth surrounding certain aspects of the Roswell controversy of July 1947. In an 11 March 1993 letter to the then Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, Schiff wrote the following: “Last fall… Read more » Source:…

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber are CGI animals in this generation’s “We Are the World”


21.15 – MU Podcast

What happens when you let an ET drive your car or go to a nightclub with them? We find out on this episode as we discuss an incredibly unusual Scandinavian UFO encounter. Then in our Plus+ extension we cover a disturbing case of death precognition before exploring cases of after-death dream communication. Sponsors Squarespace –… Read more » Source:…

J.J. Abrams Teases That There’s More to Rey’s Origins in The Rise of Skywalker

The Minecraft movie finally has a release date. Get a look at Child’s Play’s creepy new Chucky. John Wick promotes animal safety in a new clip from Parabellum. Jonathan Frakes teases his involvement in the Picard show. Plus, what’s to come on Doom Patrol and The Flash. To me, my spoilers!Read more…Source:…