YouTube’s Algorithms Blamed For Brazil’s Dangerous Conspiracy Video-Sharing on WhatsApp

Sunday the New York Times reported that YouTube “radicalized” Brazil — by “systematically” diverting users to conspiracy videos. Yet conventional wisdom in Brazil still puts the blame on WhatsApp, the Times reported in a follow-up story on Thursday shared by Slashdot reader AmiMoJo. “Everything began to click into place when we met Luciana Brito, a soft-spoken clinical psychologist who works with…

‘Mining Bitcoin On a 1983 Apple II: a Highly Impractical Guide’

option8 ((Slashdot reader #16,509) writes: TL;DR: Mining Bitcoin on a 1MHz 8-bit processor will cost you more than the world’s combined economies, and take roughly 256 trillion years. “But it could happen tomorrow. It’s a lottery, after all,” explains the blog post (describing this mad scientist as a hardware hacker and “self-taught maker”, determined to mine bitcoin “in what must be…

Quantum computers to clarify the connection between the quantum and classical worlds

Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists have developed a new quantum computing algorithm that offers a clearer understanding of the quantum-to-classical transition, which could help model systems on the cusp of quantum and classical worlds, such as biological proteins, and also resolve questions about how quantum mechanics applies to large-scale objects. …

Researchers Demonstrate Two-Track Algorithm For Detecting Deepfakes

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: Researchers have demonstrated a new algorithm for detecting so-called deepfake images — those altered imperceptibly by AI systems, potentially for nefarious purposes. Initial tests of the algorithm picked out phony from undoctored images down to the individual pixel level with between 71 and 95 percent accuracy, depending on the sample data set…

New AI-Assisted Coding Tool Called ‘Amazing’

An anonymous reader quotes The Verge’s AI and Robotics reporter: By scanning huge datasets of text, machine learning software can produce convincing samples of everything from short stories to song lyrics. Now, those same techniques are being applied to the world of coding with a new program called Deep TabNine, a “coding autocompleter.” Programmers can install it as an add-on in…

Facebook’s Co-Founder Is Now Lobbying the Government To Break Up The Company

Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes isn’t just idly wondering if regulators might break up the tech behemoth he helped launch. He’s going on a personal tour, meeting with state and federal officials to lay out in detail the way he thinks it could be done. Hughes has met with members of Congress, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, the Federal Trade Commission, and…

‘YouTube’s Plan To Rein In Conspiracy Theories Is Failing’

An anonymous reader quotes the Huffington Post: Six months ago, under tremendous public pressure, YouTube announced that it would tweak its algorithm to recommend fewer videos “that could misinform users in harmful ways.” It was a major step for a company that has spent years driving people toward increasingly sensationalist content — including dangerous disinformation — that would keep viewers glued…

IBM Gives Cancer-Killing Drug AI Project To the Open Source Community

IBM has released three artificial intelligence (AI) projects tailored to take on the challenge of curing cancer to the open-source community. ZDNet reports: The first project, dubbed PaccMann — not to be confused with the popular Pac-Man computer game — is described as the “Prediction of anticancer compound sensitivity with Multi-modal attention-based neural networks.” IBM is working on the PaccMann algorithm…