University of Alberta partners with Coursera to teach the foundations of Reinforcement Learning with new Specialization

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Alpha Zero, the program that beat the world’s best chess player, is among the most well-known examples of what is called Reinforcement Learning (RL). Considered by many to be the breakthrough for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Reinforcement Learning is truly unique in that it creates […]
The post University of Alberta partners…

Ancient hyenas roamed the Arctic

The ice age hyenas may have hunted caribou and horses, or scavenged carcasses of mammoths on a cold treeless tundra, says a study of 2 fossil teeth. Source:…

Algorithms Help Turbines Share the Wind

carbonnation writes: As Spock so elegantly opined, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” Today Stanford U researchers presented the clearest proof to date that self-sacrifice can also benefit wind farms. In their demonstration at an Alberta wind farm, one turbine sacrifices a fifth of its generating potential to enable better performance by…

Fossils reveal new details about hadrosaur’s appearance

More evidence for a showy, fleshy snout for the hadrosaur, part of the family of duck-billed dinosaurs. These creatures lived 75 million years ago in what’s now northern Montana and southern Alberta, Canada. Source:…

What’s a penumbral eclipse of the moon?

During a penumbral eclipse, observant people in the right spot on Earth will look up and notice a dark shading on the moon’s face. Others look and notice nothing at all. Source:…