The true polar wander of Jupiter’s moon Europa

Cracks in Europa’s surface indicate the moon’s outer ice shell has shifted by as much as 70 degrees over the past several million years. It’s the kind of movement you’d expect from a planetary crust floating on a subsurface ocean. Source:…

Geologic age of Finsen Crater on far side of the moon found to be 3.5 billion years

The absolute model age (AMA), or geologic age of Finsen crater on the moon’s far side is determined to be about 3.5 billion years (Ga) based on crater counting method, according to a study published in Icarus. Source:…

We are living in the middle of a fantastic Star Trek renaissance

Star Trek, which began in 1966, is experiencing an extraordinary renaissance in the year 2020. Is this a golden age for the show, asks Emily Wilson Source:…

Twitter Hack May Have Had Another Mastermind: A 16-Year-Old

When authorities arrested Graham Ivan Clark, who they said was the “mastermind” of the recent Twitter hack that ensnared Kanye West, Bill Gates and others, one detail that stood out was his age: He was only 17. Now authorities have homed in on another person who appears to have played an equal, if not more significant role, in the July 15…

Bronze Age Brits turned bones into instruments

During the Bronze Age, our ancestors would sometimes turn the bones of their relatives into musical instruments. While in the modern age it is not unu… Source:…

‘The Largest Nuclear Bomb Ever Detonated’ Explored in Declassified Russian Footage

“The blast was over 3,000 times bigger than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima,” reports Smithsonian magazine: Hydrogen bombs are so destructive, their impact has been described as unthinkable throughout history. Recently declassified Russian footage of the 1961 Tsar Bomba hydrogen bomb test shows why. The 40-minute documentary, which was posted on YouTube on August 20, shows footage of the largest bomb…

The Coronavirus is Most Deadly if You Are Older and Male — New Data Reveal the Risks

An anonymous reader shares a report: For every 1,000 people infected with the coronavirus who are under the age of 50, almost none will die. For people in their fifties and early sixties, about five will die — more men than women. The risk then climbs steeply as the years accrue. For every 1,000 people in their mid-seventies or older who…

Investors Argue This Stock Market Isn’t Like the ’90s Dot-Com Boom

The stock market is setting new records, with some tech companies at “the steepest premium ever versus cheap shares,” reports Bloomberg. (Even Tesla “is trading at more than 800-times earnings while an electric-truck peer, which made just $36,000 last quarter by installing solar panels for its founder, is valued at $16 billion.”) So is it like the great dot-com bubble of…