Google Starts Testings Its Replacement for Third-Party Cookies for Chrome

“Google has taken one step closer to banishing third-party cookies from Chrome,” reports Engadget. The internet giant has started testing its trust tokens with developers, with promises that more would move to live tests “soon.” As before, the company hoped to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome once it could meet the needs of both users and advertisers. Trust tokens are…

Google Starts Testing Its Replacement for Third-Party Cookies for Chrome

“Google has taken one step closer to banishing third-party cookies from Chrome,” reports Engadget. The internet giant has started testing its trust tokens with developers, with promises that more would move to live tests “soon.” As before, the company hoped to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome once it could meet the needs of both users and advertisers. Trust tokens are…

Facebook Considers Political-Ad Blackout Ahead of US Election

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Facebook is considering imposing a ban on political ads on its social network in the days leading up to the U.S. election in November, according to people familiar with the company’s thinking. The potential ban is still only being discussed and hasn’t yet been finalized, said the people, who asked not to be…

Google Bans Stalkerware Ads

Google announced plans this week to ban ads that promote stalkerware, spyware, and other forms of surveillance technology that can be used to track other persons without their specific consent. From a report: The change was announced this week as part of an upcoming update to Google Ads policies, set to enter into effect next month, on August 11, 2020. Examples…

Advertisers Will Be Back To Facebook ‘Soon Enough’, Zuckerberg Assures Employees

As the ads boycott grows, Mark Zuckerberg shows no sign of backing down. From a report: “My guess is that all these advertisers will be back on the platform soon enough” the Facebook chief executive has said. Campaigners accuse the tech firm of being too slow and reluctant to remove some hateful content. But Zuckerberg added: “We’re not going to change…

Microsoft Pauses Spending on Facebook, Instagram

Microsoft suspended its advertising on Facebook and Instagram in the U.S. in May and recently expanded that to a global pause, according to an internal chat transcript seen by Axios. From a report: Unlike the many advertisers who recently joined a Facebook boycott,, Microsoft is concerned about where its ads are shown, not Facebook’s policies. But the move still means yet…