The Geeky Advent Calendar Tradition Continues in 2020

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: Advent of Code isn’t the only geeky tradition that’s continuing in 2020. “This is going to be the first full year with Raku being called Raku,” notes the site “However, it’s going to be the 12th year (after this first article) in a row with a Perl 6 or Raku calendar, previously published in the…

The ‘Advent of Code 2020’ Event Begins

“Need a vacation from 2020? Why not go on an adventure and learn programming at the same time?” asks developer Eric Wastl on Twitter, announcing this year’s edition of the Advent of Code. From the site: Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in…

2019 Sees More Geeky Advent Calendars

It’s the first day of December, which means the return of an annual geek tradition: the computer programming advent calendars! An anonymous reader delivers this update:
It’s the very first year for the Raku Advent Calendar (using the language formerly known as Perl 6). Meanwhile, Perl 5 still has its own separate advent calendar. Amsterdam-based Perl programmer Andrew Shitov is also writing…