2019 Sees More Geeky Advent Calendars

It’s the first day of December, which means the return of an annual geek tradition: the computer programming advent calendars! An anonymous reader delivers this update:
It’s the very first year for the Raku Advent Calendar (using the language formerly known as Perl 6). Meanwhile, Perl 5 still has its own separate advent calendar. Amsterdam-based Perl programmer Andrew Shitov is also writing a special “Language a Day” advent calendar in which he’ll cover the basics of an entirely different programming language each day. And the Go language site Gopher Academy has also launched their 7th annual advent calendar. The 24 Ways site is also promising “an advent calendar for web geeks,” offering “a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.” And each day until Christmas the Advent of Code site will offer “small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as a speed contest, interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, or to challenge each other.” (Their Day One puzzle explains this year’s premise. “Santa has become stranded at the edge of the Solar System while delivering presents to other planets….!”) There’s also one particularly ambitious advent calendar from closer to the north pole. The Norwegian design/technology/strategy consulting firm Bekk is attempting 12 different geeky Christmas calendars, each running for 24 days (for a total of 288 articles). And each one is hosted at a .christmas top-level domain CSS Christmas Functional Christmas Java Christmas JavaScript Christmas Kotlin Christmas ML Christmas Open Source Christmas Product Christmas React Christmas Security Christmas The Cloud Christmas UX Christmas

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
