‘It’s Time For Movie Theaters To Die So Movies Can Live Again’

Joshua Topolsky, writing at Input Mag: Movies are, by their very nature, good. Movies are one of the best things to have happened to the human race, probably ranking right up there in the top 5 with eating, sex, indoor plumbing, and music. We’ve probably all had formative experiences in one way or another around movies, and for many of us…

Xbox’s Phil Spencer Isn’t Sure 8K Will Ever Be Standard in Video Games

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has said that he isn’t sure if 8K resolution will ever be standard for video games, calling it “aspirational technology.” From a report: Talking to Wired, Spencer said,” I think 8K is aspirational technology. The display capabilities of devices are not really there yet. I think we’re years away from 8K being — if it ever is…

Samsung Debuts ‘Sero TV’ That Auto-Rotates For Vertical Videos From Your Phone

At CES 2020, Samsung debuted “The Sero” (translates to vertical in Korean) — a 4K TV that automatically rotates on its stand so you can more easily watch vertical content that’s been recorded on phones or uploaded to apps like TikTok or Instagram. Pocket-lint reports: The new TV is a relatively modest 43-inches in size, but it’s not aimed at those…

Netflix’s Biggest Bingers Get Hit With Higher Internet Costs

An anonymous reader shares a report: James Wright had never worried about staying under his data cap. Then he bought a 4K TV set and started binge-watching Netflix in ultra-high definition. The picture quality was impressive, but it gobbled up so much bandwidth that his internet service provider, Comcast, warned that he had exceeded his monthly data limit and would need…