Xiaomi Threatens Legal Action Against Users Who Call Its Mimoji App a Copycat of Apple’s Memoji

From a report: Apple’s Memoji may have become the more popular 3D avatar feature for smartphones, but Xiaomi wants people to know that its similarly-named version — Mimoji — came first, despite increasingly confusing overlap between the apps’ names and features. Moreover, it’s apparently threatening legal action against writers who call it a copycat without providing proof. In September 2017, Apple…

Viewing Saturn’s rings soon? Read me 1st

The best time of 2019 for seeing Saturn’s glorious rings is upon us. You’ve seen the photos, but maybe you want to see the rings with your own eyes? Here are a few things to think about. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/viewing-saturns-rings-tips-for-beginners…

New Deepfake Algorithm Allows You To Text-Edit the Words of a Speaker In a Video

It is now possible to take a talking-head style video, and add, delete or edit the speaker’s words as simply as you’d edit text in a word processor. A new deepfake algorithm can process the audio and video into a new file in which the speaker says more or less whatever you want them to. New Atlas reports: It’s the work…

Facebook’s Photorealistic Simulator For AI Runs At 10,000 FPS

malachiorion writes:
Facebook just open sourced a simulator for testing and training embodied AI systems — like virtual robots. They worked with AR/VR researchers to release the simulator along with what they say are the most photorealistic 3D reconstructions of real world places available. [Facebook Reality Labs have named this “the Replica data set”.] The crazy part: Because more frames are always…

Ready Player One: Get Set for an Exciting Career in Gaming

From more traditional console and PC games to the explosion of mobile, tablet and online gaming, it is estimated that more than 2.5 billion of us play video games worldwide. That popularity looks set to continue: the global gaming sector is expected to be worth more than $180 billion by 2021. We spoke to industry […]
The post Ready Player One: Get…

3D-printed replica heads are being used to help treat cancer patients

Radiotherapists are using 3D printed replica heads of their patients to practice performing cancer treatments and work out any kinks before doing the real thing Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2205957-3d-printed-replica-heads-are-being-used-to-help-treat-cancer-patients/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

NLNet Funds Development of a Libre RISC-V 3D CPU

The NLNet Foundation is a non-profit supporting privacy, security, and the “open internet”. Now the group has approved funding for the hybrid Libre RISC-V CPU/VPU/GPU, which will “pay for full-time engineering work to be carried out over the next year, and to pay for bounty-style tasks.” Long-time Slashdot reader lkcl explains why that’s significant: High security software is irrelevant if the…

Ask Slashdot: Why Is 3D Technology Stagnating So Badly?

dryriver writes: If you had asked someone doing 3D graphics seriously back in 2000 what 3D technology will look like two decades away in 2019, they might have said: “Most internet websites will have realtime 3D content embedded or will be completely in 3D. 3D Games will look as good as movies or reality. Everyone will have a cheap handheld 3D…