See it! This weekend’s moon and Mars

Moon, Mars, ducks flying in a V.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe caught the waning moon, Mars, and a flock of whistling ducks at dawn on August 9, 2020. He wrote, “… the waning gibbous moon and Mars were close together high in the northern dawn sky. Several pictures of the pair were taken as daylight approached between 6 and 6:30 a.m. Just before it became too light for Mars to remain visible, a flock of whistling ducks passed by in bow and arrow formation!” Thank you, Peter!

Mars about to disappear behind the lighted limb of the moon.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Helio de Carvalho Vital wrote from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil that he captured the occultation of Mars by the moon – an event in which the moon temporarily covered Mars – on August 9, 2020. He wrote, “A Nikon CoolPix P900 camera on a tripod was the only equipment I used … The photo shows the planet approaching the moon`s lighted limb some seconds before ingress. At that moment, relative to Mars, the moon was 224 times closer and about 7 thousand times brighter.” Thank you, Helio!

A nearly last quarter moon near a red dot: Mars.

April Singer in northern New Mexico caught the moon and Mars Saturday night around midnight, when the pair had just risen and was low in the eastern sky. Thanks, April!

A bright moon next to the red planet Mars. Stars in the constellation Pisces are also indicted.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dennis Chabot in Rehoboth, Massachusetts captured this image of Mars early Sunday morning, August 9, 2020. At that time, the moon and red planet were high in the dawn sky, not far from the famous tip of the V in the constellation Pisces the Fish. Dennis wrote: “Fiery Mars above the moon this morning just before the fog rolled in to fill the skies with gray. Thank you, Dennis!

Telescopic view of the planet Mars.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Aurelian Neacsu in Visina, Dambovita, Romania captured this telescopic image of Mars on August 5, 2020. The white dot on the planet is its icy pole. Thank you, Aurelian!

Bottom line: Photos from the EarthSky community showing the August 2020 waning gibbous moon near the red planet Mars.
