Woman Who Harassed Starbucks Barista Now Wants Half the Money He Raised

destinyland writes: Amber Lynn Gilles walked into a Starbucks without a mask, later complaining on Facebook about the server who’d asked her to wear one. (“Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption!”) She says she’s surprised by the attention “my little review” attracted. A GoFundMe campaign supporting the Starbucks barista who had to deal with her has now raised $105,450. So she now says she wants at least half of that money, “because they’re using me to get it.” She complained to the New York Times that “They’re using my name, they’re using my face, and they’re slandering me.” Meanwhile Lenin Gutierrez, the Starbucks barista, is meeting with a financial adviser to discuss the generous donations he’s received from all around the world. Though he’s still working at Starbucks, with these donations, he tells a local newscast, he’ll now be able to go to college and pursue a degree in kinesiology (the scientific study of human movement). But he also plans to donate some of the money to charity. “I can’t be grateful enough,” he adds, saying he hopes to show back some of the kindness that people have shown to him. The GoFundMe page supporting him adds, “Thank you CNN and Chris Cuomo for closing out Cuomo Prime Time with Lenin’s story and the GoFundMe.” And the page also calls attention to what it sees as the larger theme in this incident. “In the words of Chris Cuomo: ‘This is not about your freedom. Your freedom to wear, or not wear a mask, ends where it encroaches on somebody else’s freedom not to get sick from you. Surrender the me to the we.'”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
