Verily Told Senators That it Has Run More Than 7,000 Tests For COVID-19 and Plans To Keep the Mandatory Google Sign-in

Verily, the Alphabet life sciences division that launched its COVID-19 screening and testing program last month, is still under scrutiny from lawmakers over how it is collecting users’ data, as well as its plans to expand its test sites outside of California. From a report: At the end of March, five US senators wrote to Verily asking, among several other things, whether its screening website was compliant with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, and whether Verily intended to remove the requirement that all users who screen for COVID-19 have a Google account. Verily has now addressed those questions in a letter sent to the same senators and obtained by Business Insider. In it, Verily assured the senators that any data collected wouldn’t be used for commercial purposes or sold to third parties. But it also confirmed that its screening site was not in compliance with the HIPAA privacy rule. “Verily has focused on the protection of the security and privacy of personal health information since the inception of its Baseline COVID-19 Program,” the company wrote. “With respect to its Baseline COVID-19 Program, Verily is not acting as a covered entity or a business associate as defined by HIPAA. As the Program expands, we will continue to prioritize the protection of individual health data. However, in the future if we engage in a program where we do become a covered entity or we are required to sign a BAA we will take all the appropriate steps to ensure compliance with HIPAA.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
