Tesla’s Touchscreen Wiper Controls Ruled Illegal In Germany

New submitter Rei_is_a_dumbass shares a report from Electrek: Tesla’s wiper controls through its touchscreen have been ruled illegal in Germany after someone crashed their Model 3 while using them and fought a fine and driving ban through the court system. A Tesla Model 3 driver got into an accident while using the touchscreen to adjust the speed of the automatic windshield wipers. In Model 3 and Model Y vehicles, Tesla didn’t install normal windshield wiper settings through a steering wheel stalk. Instead, the automaker is detecting the rain through its Autopilot cameras and automatically adjusting the speed based on the strength of the rainfall. If the driver wants to adjust the speed, they need to do it through the center touchscreen. The driver in Germany was adjusting those settings when he lost control of the vehicle and crashed. A local district court gave him a fine and a one-month driving ban and that’s where the problem started for Tesla. He decided to fight the punishment — bringing the case to the Higher Regional Court (OLG). “It comes as no surprise that enlightened Germans would be the first to rule Tesla’s poly engineered cars a road hazard,” adds Slashdot reader Rei_is_a_dumbass. “Touch screen interfaces have no place in cars.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
