Quantum Security Goes Live With Samsung Galaxy

Samsung and South Korean telecom giant SK Telecom have debuted the Galaxy A Quantum 5G smartphone, sporting a quantum random number generation (RNG) chipset. It’s the first commercialization of quantum technology for mobile phones, and it will serve as a significant bellwether for full quantum encryption’s chances of going mainstream. Threatpost reports: Quantum encryption in general has been touted as being “unhackable” because it generates random numbers and secure keys that cannot be predicted, via particles that can’t be intercepted, eavesdropped upon or spoofed. The very laws of physics themselves prevent successful cracking, the theory goes. However, researchers have proven more than once that this isn’t the case — though hacks so far have required sustained physical access to a device. In any event, the Samsung phone will provide an interesting test case for the technology — though details are scant in terms of how the chipset actually works. The Galaxy will use quantum security in a few different scenarios, according to an SK press release (translated with Google Translate). These include logging into carrier accounts on the device; securely storing personal documents via a blockchain-enabled “Quantum Wallet” and for biometric-based mobile payments at retail stores. Online payment protection is also on the roadmap. SK Telecom also plans to roll out open APIs for developers to begin incorporating the technology on an OEM and application basis.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
